Wednesday 20 November 2013

Android App

I have mostly finished my App using an online program called "MIT App inventor".
The game starts with a screen which instructs the play to touch it, upon doing so the actual game itself will start. The objective of the game is to move the blue sensor to all the lit up green sensors and press the green button in the middle of the screen, avoiding all the sensors to light up green, if they do the game will be over.
The only things I feel I need to do is, add a restart button, a how to play tab in the main menu, change the up and down arrows into curvy arrows which will show the direction it will rotate and a penalty for clicking on red sensors (Probably reduce the time until the next sensor appears).

Wednesday 9 October 2013

App pitch

Today I showed my pitch for my new app game idea in a focus group.

The App
I will first explain my original idea of the game.
It involved having to use the rotation feature on the device to match up two bars, which once match you would have to press a green button in the center of the screen while keeping the bars in same position to complete the stage/level. You have 60 seconds to do as many stages/levels as you can with the difficulty rising as the game starts throwing in effects which will make the game harder to play. Things such as making the center button and bars smaller, giving the wheel an illusive effect which will disorientate the player and in higher stages use more mentally challenging tricks such as flipping the screen, forcing the player to play backwards or upside down.

The Pitch
I got many ideas, suggestions, complaints and more about the game.
1 of the first ideas given was if later in the game there would be multiple bars to match up. This would be an interesting idea it but would require me to add another feature to the game, being able to select which bar you want to move which could simply be done by tapping onto the bar.
1 complaint I had was that the splash screen did not look natural or smooth like the photo on the left and was hard to read. While most of the graphics weren't final it was still good feedback.
2 people mentioned that the game could be themed to look like a lock cracking scene which was 1 of the thoughts I had before showing the pitch so it shows the idea was commonly thought. Knowing that people liked the lock idea I think it may be a good idea once I redesign it to call the game something more fitting such as "Lock Break".

Monday 7 October 2013


Today I finished creating my logo for my (fictional) company "Adams Trade".
To make the unique shape in the middle I put a letter T which I made myself by distorting and editing a capital letter T above the letter A which was also made through editing.
I then put a circle above the T to make it look like a person/stick figure however it didn't look so appealing standing upright so I decided rotating it would be a good idea. I used rulers to line up everything dead centre of the square I made to have the black text have a white background making it stand out even more.
Once I was done with the square and text, the top left of the square seemed a bit empty to me so I decided to add a quarter circle to fill in the space while looking interesting.
The main thing objective I gave myself while making the logo was to make it bold and interesting yet simple.
The only colours used are black and white which together stand out and are hard to dislike as they are not colours. Most big sites have white backgrounds, such as Google, YouTube, Ebay, Amazon and etc.

File Formats

Today I finished my 2 page Image File Formats magazine project.
I started off having to research the multiple image formats online and deiced to talk about the most used 4 image formats, PNG, BMP, JPEG and GIF.
Once I was done researching I had to make this data into a magazine so naturally I decided to use Abode InDesign for this as it's a program meant for developing magazines, leaflets and other formal paper based products. I decided to use the image icons Windows 7 uses for decoration as they should be well known for Window users.

Monday 30 September 2013

Earthquake Avalanche Poster

Today I finished my film poster. The scenario for the PG film "Earthquake Avalanche" was "A small alpine community is on the verge of destruction as an earthquake erupts under a snow-covered mountain. Will anyone survive?!".
I decided as it was a PG film it could not be too graphic or complicated, so I thought it would be best to you only a few selections of color, blue, grey and white. I tried to imagine myself where the location of the film would be placed, as a snowy mountain I thought it could be set in Japan, so I used the text which fitted to what I thought the location of the film would be. To create the mountain I used the magnetic lasso tool around a real mountain, used the command Ctrl+J to make a copy of the cut piece, and I fill it with my chosen colors and adjusted the mountain pieces to fit together. To achieve the crack in the middle I simply used the normal lasso tool to create a selection of half the mountain, I dragged it out only a bit and rotated so it still wasn't completely split in half, as that would be a bit too unrealistic.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Storm Tracker!

Today on my Interactive media course I made this using only Photoshop, no external images!
To make the intense clouds I had to overlay the same cloud pattern multiple times, multiplying the darkness of the dark and the lightness of the light. I also used the "colorized" feature in hue and saturation panel to give the clouds their blue color. I had to decrease the opacity for multiple things, most noticeably the text in the background. To achieve the lightning I used the clouds again but maxed out the dark slider in the levels panel, then I used colorize again to make the lightning blue. With the golden Storm tracker logo I used the transform feature while holding down Ctrl to give the text that unique perspective. You may have noticed the rain at the bottom of the images, to achieve this I added grain on clouds and gave it a motion blur.