Monday 7 October 2013


Today I finished creating my logo for my (fictional) company "Adams Trade".
To make the unique shape in the middle I put a letter T which I made myself by distorting and editing a capital letter T above the letter A which was also made through editing.
I then put a circle above the T to make it look like a person/stick figure however it didn't look so appealing standing upright so I decided rotating it would be a good idea. I used rulers to line up everything dead centre of the square I made to have the black text have a white background making it stand out even more.
Once I was done with the square and text, the top left of the square seemed a bit empty to me so I decided to add a quarter circle to fill in the space while looking interesting.
The main thing objective I gave myself while making the logo was to make it bold and interesting yet simple.
The only colours used are black and white which together stand out and are hard to dislike as they are not colours. Most big sites have white backgrounds, such as Google, YouTube, Ebay, Amazon and etc.

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