Monday 30 September 2013

Earthquake Avalanche Poster

Today I finished my film poster. The scenario for the PG film "Earthquake Avalanche" was "A small alpine community is on the verge of destruction as an earthquake erupts under a snow-covered mountain. Will anyone survive?!".
I decided as it was a PG film it could not be too graphic or complicated, so I thought it would be best to you only a few selections of color, blue, grey and white. I tried to imagine myself where the location of the film would be placed, as a snowy mountain I thought it could be set in Japan, so I used the text which fitted to what I thought the location of the film would be. To create the mountain I used the magnetic lasso tool around a real mountain, used the command Ctrl+J to make a copy of the cut piece, and I fill it with my chosen colors and adjusted the mountain pieces to fit together. To achieve the crack in the middle I simply used the normal lasso tool to create a selection of half the mountain, I dragged it out only a bit and rotated so it still wasn't completely split in half, as that would be a bit too unrealistic.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Storm Tracker!

Today on my Interactive media course I made this using only Photoshop, no external images!
To make the intense clouds I had to overlay the same cloud pattern multiple times, multiplying the darkness of the dark and the lightness of the light. I also used the "colorized" feature in hue and saturation panel to give the clouds their blue color. I had to decrease the opacity for multiple things, most noticeably the text in the background. To achieve the lightning I used the clouds again but maxed out the dark slider in the levels panel, then I used colorize again to make the lightning blue. With the golden Storm tracker logo I used the transform feature while holding down Ctrl to give the text that unique perspective. You may have noticed the rain at the bottom of the images, to achieve this I added grain on clouds and gave it a motion blur.