Monday 3 March 2014

"Talents" Motion Graphics Video

The Brief

I am part of a team of Motion-Graphic specialists who have been commissioned to produce a 45 second web-based trailer for a Channel 4 ‘Inbetweeners–style television series based in Weymouth College.

Target audience for this project:

Gender – Male and Female. Race – All. Age – 16-24 Socio-Economic Status – C1/C2/D

As our target audience is of the ages of 16 to 24, we have decided to implement teenagers stereotypes while keeping the intro colorful and fast paced for the active young minds, we are presenting elements of each characters individual talents, most of which are highly possible to be relate-able for the audience. Using visual effects I will be able to visually exaggerate the characters abilities, so we will have an artistic character who will be drawing magnificent artwork with ease, a intellectual programmer capable of many virtual things and a gaming expert who can master any game in a short amount of time. We will be using a lot of techniques and effects to boost visual appeal, 1 we'll be focusing on getting is a rotoscope to fit in with some of the hand drawn sketches / pictures we will be using. Along with the sketches we are going to have a stop motion animation using a drawn character cut out from printed pieces of paper. We will be having the sketches and drawings in an anime-like style as we believe this will appeal to our target audience who have grew up with anime and cartoons. Considering our audiences age we will probably go with fast paced, up beat music however this may change depending on how the opening turns out.

I should not be allowed to use a copyrighted work unless I get permission from its author/creator, unless it’s under some kind of license which allow for public use (Such as creative commons). I will probably be using custom text from the internet, this could possibly be a copyright problem if this were not a college project. Music could also be copyright protected material however there are sites you can find copyright free music. In the case we did use copyright protected music for commercial use we'd need to at least get the consent of the author and credit them. All of our ideas are not stolen, they are original, as well as the drawings which will be used, however like the music if they were not ours we'd need the consent of the creator and credit him/her. At the same time if we were doing this professionally we would not be allow to falsely attribute our work to a person, not involved in the creation of the project. A reason we would ever think of giving someone false credit for our work would be for example if the person was of more experience, that way we'd be promoting our product (Again, this is a wrong thing to do). 1 may think so however we are not allowed to take another persons work and edit it to "get past copyright", if we have permission to display / use their image, song, etc we are still not allowed to edit or alter their work without their permission to do so. Putting this in example for us, we could want to edit and use a certain music track with our film however we'd would need the authors permission for both use and allowance to edit.

We will be using high quality cameras thus I expect the resolution of the film to be 1920 x 1080, we will be recording 25 FPS, this will be the exported frame rate.

I will be using Adobe Photoshop for the editing of single frames, rotoscoping and background creation. Adobe After Effects for controlling the lighting and colour grade of  the footage, typography, zooms and other visual enhancements.
Adobe Premiere Pro will be used for piecing the film together as well as exporting the finished film.

Researching Techniques

Firstly I researched rotoscoping and how to accomplish it's effect. Through what I found you may use multiple filters in After Effects to achieve the effect however it will most likely not look as good as the manual way of doing it, which I have decided looks like a more appealing option. Doing it requires me to use Photoshop to select the characters, essentially extract them from whatever background and use layer blending options to gradually merge them with a solid colour. The problem I found looking into this technique is that you have to do it for every single frame, and considering our film is 25 frames per second doing just 1 second would require me to do the technique flawlessly 25 times. This is when I started looking into ways to speed up a repeated process and then I came across Actions. They are a way of recording and playing back your literal actions in Photoshop, even things you wouldn't expect like creating a new document / canvas. The only disadvantage I found is that they are incapable of certain actions, most of which involving tools which would be used with the hands and mouse, for example selecting with a magic wand brush is not record-able, neither is using the dodge tool or pen tool. For a moment I believed I had to make separate actions in-between times I had to such tools however after researching enough I found it possible to pause an action mid-way through, however this can only be done by putting a "stop" during the phase you're recording the action, meaning you'd have to perform the technique once while letting the action know it is incapable of doing a certain action and thus must stop for you to do it manually. While creating a stop you may also enter a message to remind you what you must do. Once you've done the task Photoshop cannot record you have to press the play button on the action panel to allow it to continue.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Motion Graphics

Hellboy 2
The intro sequence for the 2008 film, Hellboy 2 The Golden Army. The films plot revolves around this mythical army of golden indestructible robots. Probably intended for teenage or older audiences, specifically males.
Aspect ratio: 1:85:1 (common US widescreen cinema standard)
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
2 burning red cogs clash together, with the camera sweeping into a scene of many cogs, wheels and mechanisms working brutally together right in the face of the viewer. They move out of the way briefly to display some unique made up language and formulas, pictures etc, the mechanism has now an effect on it to render the lines of the cogs and such as white. A piece rolls over the screen changing the scene to it arranging red shapes which when the camera pulls back reveals the title of the movie. The opening as a whole has a bronze and red colour scheme, fitting for the movie’s title, Hellboy 2 “The Golden Army”. I reckon the cogs are made using a 3D program and have been sequenced to move in a specific order, with 2D images faded and edited using perhaps Photoshop. There would have been a lot of sketches of how they wanted the title of the film to appear.

The opening for the 2011 anime, Steins;Gate. the series features time travel and is for suited for a mature audience of either gender.
Format: MP4
The title to express best, “buzzes” together, and then starts pulsating and extending out into mechanical and science reminiscent forms, it fades to show a greater, larger, mess of lines and patterns which it zooms into as it even still develops. I can imagine they made the text effect but having 2 or more separate layers, 1 with the text slightly distorted and shifted to the side, and for a split second it shutters between the 2 or more layers. 2 shadows can be seen walking by each other. The scene now cuts multiple times to show all the female character in the series, the scene is riddled with cogs and effects with backgrounds fitting to each character. There are a lot of figures of people whose skin are silhouetted but not their clothes, they are also all blurred, so they don’t draw too much attention. Characters having motion blurs as they pan, across the screen. There are a lot of flashing clips throughout as well as fading and movement effects. There is music which the opening is synched with through transitions. There is probably a lot of both draw pictures and photographed images which have been heavily edited in maybe Photoshop. Some faded, some taking up only a portion of the screen, but all clustered together in the final piece.

The Incredibles
The intro sequence for the 2004 animated superhero movie. The target audience is probably children of either gender.
Aspect ratio: 2:35:1
The title zoom out from behind view into the scene and turns black as silhouettes of the main characters run out in various directions, towards the screen. There is a comic styled combat sequence with flashing effects spawning from where the attacks would’ve landing had they a target. There are also a number of glow effects in the opening. Colours are basic with little to no shading however there are various animated gradients which are used for the background. The opening is in synch with its music which sounds similar to both stereotypes of super hero and spy (Such as James Bond) themes. There was probably a lot of drawn and planned out parts which were later remade in a both 2D and 3D programs, then all brought together.

The intro for the 23rd James Bond movie. Intended for a mature male audience.
It starts with 007 being dragged down into the ocean by a giant hand pinching his foot, the camera shows him sinking to the bottom of the ocean from a various amount of angles. The sand underneath him sinks, allowing 007 to fall in an abyss, filled with tons of shooting targets of himself, 1 of them floating towards the screen with blood flowing out of a supposed bullet hit. The camera moves through the bullet hole (Only achievable using motion graphics). In total the opening sequence uses multiple a lot of motion graphics as well as footage from the real world. The overall colour scheme would have to be hues of blue and grey, and occasionally red. Clips transition and motion graphics sometimes appear in time with the music. I believe a lot of this opening would have been made using motion graphics, photographs of the actor would've been taken, edited and cutout to be used to form the shooting targets. The effects for the sand sinking was probably made using fluid effects in a program such as Maya. The bubbles and underwater look to the opening could have been made by having recording live underwater footage, and overlaying it using effect in a program such are Adobe After Effect.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
The intro of the cyberpunk themed game, intended for a adult male audience.
The main character you play as is in a real bad state, dying. It starts with him lying face up being blinded by bright lights (we see this through his view, engaging the player in the character). From there we see doctors operate on him, replacing his broken bones and organs with synthetic 1s. The character has flashbacks of his lost love which uses real world footage. As this is a game a lot of the opening is made of motion graphics however there is some footage used. I believe most of the graphics and models to be made using modeling programs and built based of concept art and real world examples.

Iron Man
The intro of the 2008 superhero film Iron Man.
The screen is filled with black and a lot of lines which could make up framework appear. We see the Iron Man costume deconstructed, the camera moving around to give us a good view. Occasionally there is an “old stock footage” effect used. The camera throughout shakes and moves quite a lot. I can imagine they used coloured or shaded models in the making of the opening to prevent visual confusion, once all the pieces were in place, they maybe would use filters to get it to be the way it appears in the opening. The "old stock footage" effect would've been layered on after the main sequence was done.


Spatial compression: It is a type of compression algorithm used on a single video frame. It takes the unneeded data and discards it from the image, thus making the file size smaller as well as allow it to load faster. This sort of compression is mostly useful when trying to capture images on a computer.

Temporal compression: This method of compression is used by certain codecs which assumes 2 different frames look similar, the frame of the video however is entirely digitized. Frames after another are checked for changed information, and digitized, however the unchanged info does not get digitized again.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Webpage Layouts

These are the 4 webpage layout I have designed
The 1 below is a basic layout, it has the logo and banner at the top, buttons on the side with ads below them and the main page to the right.
Has the logo and buttons at the top of the page with panels to the left, some could be used for describing and leading to other related sites or perhaps being space for ads.
A more unique layout, has the banner at the top, buttons and ads on the left overlaying the webpage.
A webpage which almost resembles a floppy disc. Has the logo at the top left with the buttons revolving around it, a cool interactive feature could be for the buttons to spread out as the users cursor goes over the first button.
This is the website layout I have chosen thus far, a fairy simple site with a blue and white design.

Monday 6 January 2014


I have made a GIF in Photoshop.
I used a Digital SLR to take multiple shots consecutively.
Once the taken images were uploaded to the computer, I imported them into a 600 x 400 pixel document and using the Timeline (Located at the bottom of Photoshop CS6s Essential layout) made them display one after another.